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または、Ken Kurihara までメッセンジャーで。

栗原 : https://www.facebook.com/ken97kurihara/




https://www.liveaboard.com/diving/maldives/maldives-legend-sea-pleasure から転載しています。


Maldives Legend Airport staff will welcome you at Velana International Airport on arrival and take you to the boat for boarding. Refreshments are served while you get checked in followed by general boat briefing. *Dive Briefing will be given before each dive by the dive guide.

19:30 – Dinner.


06:30 – Dive 1 Check Dive.
08:30 – Breakfast.
10:30 – Dive 2 Embudhoo Express.
12:00 – Lunch.
14:30 – Dive 3 Kandooma/Guraidhoo.
18:30 – Dive 4 Alimatha Night Dive.
20:30 – Dinner.

Dive Highlights:

Embudhoo Express: There’s a great chance to dive with grey reef sharks, eagle rays, barracudas, schools of jackfish Napoleon wrasse, and more.
Almatha House Reef: One of the most famous night dives in this route, where divers can swim with hundreds of nurse sharks, sting rays, and giant trevally.


06:30 – Dive 5 Miyaru Kandu.
08:30 – Breakfast (Cruise to Ari Atoll).
10:30 – Dive 6 Vilamendhoo Thila.
12:00 – Lunch.
14:30 – Dive 7 Five Rocks.
19:30 – Dinner.

Dive Highlights:

Miyaru Kandu: Miyaru Kandu known as the shark channel is famous for spotting sharks and amazing coral formations.
Five Rocks: Carved with numerous overhangs, diving in five rocks was originally connected to pinnacles that have been broken down over ages and will be a great experience for divers who admire the vibrant coral life underwater. You may also find schools of sweet lips, frogfish, sting rays, and napoleons.


06:30 – Dive 8 Kuda Rah Thila.
08:30 – Breakfast.
10:30 – Dive 9 Maamigili Beyru.
12:00 – Lunch.
14:30 – Dive 10 Whale Shark Dive.
19:30 – Dinner.

Dive Highlights:

Kuda Rah Thila: Declared a marine protected area, this dive is better for deep dive certified divers. Large schools of snappers and fusiliers, turtles. white tip sharks and grey reef sharks are seen in this dive site.
Maamigili Beyru: One of the best highlights of this trip where you will go out on the sea in search of whale sharks and once you locate the whale shark you will get the chance to snorkel or scuba dive with them.


06:30 – Dive 11 Rangali Madivaru.
08:30 – Breakfast.
10:30 – Dive 12 Rai Dhigga.
12:00 – Lunch.
18:30 – Dive 13 Pannetone.
20:30 – BBQ Dinner.

Dive Highlights:

Rangali Madivaru: Manta rays can be seen at this cleaning with a lot of fish. (December to May).
Pannetone: Famous manta site with a high possibility of manta feed sighting outside the atoll during the outgoing current. During incoming currents on the ridge of the atoll, you’ll see what is known as the “Shark City” and dozens of big grey reef sharks mesmerizing your every thought. (December to May).


06:30 – Dive 14 Moofushi Manta Point.
08:30 – Breakfast.
10:30 – Dive 15 Fish Head.
12:00 – Lunch.
18:30 – Dive 16 Night Dive Manta Lagoon Fesdu/Maaya Thila.
20:30 – Dinner.

Dive Highlights:

Moofushi Manta Point: Discover numerous Manta Cleaning Stations, and extraordinary pinnacles – rich with marine life. Eagle rays, hawksbill turtles, Napoleon wrasse, school blue stripped snappers, batfish, and fusiliers are some of the creatures you’ll be able to sight.
Maaya Thila: Most famous for the white tip reef sharks that can nearly always be seen here, both during the day and night. A night dive at Maaya Thila also allows divers to encounter moray eels, turtles, octopus, and stone fish.


06:30 – Dive 17 Rasdhoo Madivaru.
08:30 – Breakfast.
12:00 – Lunch.
14:30 – Fish Tank Snorkeling trip or Male City Tour.
19:30 – Dinner.

Dive Highlights:

Fish Tank: Here you can see almost all types of moray Eels, giant leopards, sting rays, black spotted rays, and many more.


Departure Day
Dedicated staff will assist you clean and washing your dive Equipment and help you with packing if required. Drop off at the Airport for your Departure Flight. The Team will always take care of you until you depart from the Maldives. Have a Safe Journey Home and see you again!

(*) the itinerary description provided by the boat operator.

The last dive will be on the penultimate day of the trip. Divers are recommended to wait for 24 hours before flying after the last dive.

Sample itineraries and maps are for illustrative purposes only. The exact route and sites visited are subject to change based on local regulations, guest experience, weather, and logistics and are at the Captain’s discretion.

Maldives Legend Sea Pleasureツアー旅程表より引用


または、Ken Kurihara までメッセンジャーで。

お見積もり・ご予約・ご質問はメールフォーム or お電話でお気軽に。

2024年 8/19~9/18 栗原は、プエルトガレラを留守にします。
詳しくは、 「プエルトガレラ日本人スタッフ不在のお知らせ」 でご確認下さい。